Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
    Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
    Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
    Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
    Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
    Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
    Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.
Vintage army backpack used by the Romanian army from the 1970s to the 1980s. This military canvas bag is constructed of leather and with unique details.

Vintage army Backpack Forțele Armate Române

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1 Articoli in magazzino

Zaino militare vintage Forțele Armate Române. Realizzato in tela e pelle, prodotto dagli anni 70 agli anni 80. 

Presenta spallacci e clip di chiusura in pelle, fettucce sui lati per fissare accessori aggiuntivi, tasca laterale e grande scomparto centrale con coulisse di chiusura. 

Misure approssimative: 40 cm x 42 cm x 22 cm

Peso: circa 2KG

La chiusura avviene con un cordino interno. 

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La maggior parte dei prodotti in cotone e misto cotone possono essere lavati in lavatrice a 40 gradi Celsius / 104 gradi Fahrenheit.

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I prodotti in pelle vintage devono essere appesi in luoghi asciutti e trattati regolarmente per evitare crepe. 

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I nostri criteri di selezione per i capi vintage includono l'autenticità, la qualità, lo stile e la condizione. Cerchiamo capi che siano autentici e originali delle epoche passate, senza compromessi. Valutiamo attentamente la qualità del materiale e dei dettagli, cercando capi ben conservati e senza difetti significativi. Lo stile è un altro criterio importante: cerchiamo pezzi che siano rilevanti e desiderabili oggi, ma che abbiano anche un legame autentico con il passato.
I nostri capi vintage vengono selezionati attraverso un processo rigoroso e attento. Collaboriamo con esperti del settore e selezioniamo personalmente ogni pezzo per garantirne autenticità e qualità. Viaggiamo in varie località alla ricerca dei migliori capi d'epoca, scelti per il loro stile unico, condizione e rilevanza nella moda vintage.
Il settore del vintage non è solo una questione di moda, ma un vero e proprio studio approfondito di storia, materiali e tendenze passate. Ogni capo ha una storia da raccontare, un'epoca da rappresentare, e riconoscere l'autenticità, la qualità e il valore di questi pezzi richiede una conoscenza approfondita. Investiamo tempo e dedizione nello studio delle tecniche di produzione, dei tessuti e delle caratteristiche uniche di ogni decennio.